Help 51 Elderly, Homeless Women Have a Home Provide care for 25 battered girls in Argentina Provide care for 25 battered girls in Argentina Provide care for 25 battered girls in Argentina

Damas de Caridad de San Vicente de Paul

Org #49683
Vetted since 2018 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


DAC's Mission is to: protect children that have been abused and abandoned by their family; provide quality education to the needy, and take care of poor elderly women. Our Foundation has built and supports: Hogar San Jose: 35 girls between 4 and 17 live permanently at the home. They have been taken away from their families by a judge because they were victims of sexual abuse, abandonment of violence. We are their "Home away from home". A team of 20 care takers, 2 psychologists , 1 social worker, and 1 teacher assists them every day. More than 30 volunteers help them in their daily choresand with their school work and transportation. We all aim to help them recover their sel... read more

Project Leaders
Maria Reynolds
Maria Reynolds
Adriana Martinez
Adriana Martinez
Marina Viana Martin, Maria Vivot, Leticia Palmero
Organization Information
Paraguay 1262
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires 1057
Organization Information
Paraguay 1262
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires 1057

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Hogar San Jose April 2024 Report

By Maria de Elizalde de Reynolds | Treasurer of NGO owner of the Hogar San Jose

Hello Friends of the Hogar San José,   Time flies, and  we are already in April! Our highlight these past four months were the summer holidays that the girls enjoyed in La Cumbre, in... Read the full report ›

December 2023 Hogar Santa Ana Report

By Maria de Elizalde | Treasurer of NGO owner of the Hogar Santa Ana

Hello Friends of the Hogar Santa Ana: All in all it has been a good year for our ladies at the Hogar Santa Ana although we still have many challenges in our building, since it is over 100 years old.... Read the full report ›

December 2023 Hogar San Jose Report

By Maria de Elizalde | Treasurer of NGO owner of the Hogar San Jose

Hello Friends of the Hogar San José,   The year is coming to an end, and the girls have enjoyed their school year (in Argentina school starts in early March and finishes mid... Read the full report ›
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